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Sunday 19 May 2013

May-19-2013: Happy Victoria Day !

2:56p.m EST
Hey guys ! happy Victoria day to you all !! :'DD .. does the US celebrate this ? XD I'm not too sure.. i don't think so. but for all the others who do (Canadians) I bid you good eating, good drinking and many fireworks to celebrate and to aim at each other (aha, i'm kidding!) 
For the Canadians, what will you be doing this weekend ??? It's super sunny out here in Toronto so spend it while you can because the next few days will consist of showers and thunderstorms -.- lol. 
My family and I are going tomorrow to Niagara Falls for the holidays, and for me it's going to be nice for me to get out of the house XDD LOL.I think it take us approx. 3hrs to get to Niagara- 2hrs if we want to rush and if there is ABSOLUTELY no traffic (highly unlikely)  I've been staying inside the house like a hermit ;-; (i haven't been out to hang out with friends- #sadlife). I need a job ;-; oh the troubles of a Student trying to make some money- among many other troubles (-____-)

Well ! on a side note I finally accomplished what was on my summer list for such a long time !! Terrariums !
 I finally made my frist one and it will definately will not be last ! Call me what you like man, but i love doing these, they are so cute and it's very easy to take care of them- the type of terrarium i have is an open terrarium.. i never really understood the concept of the closed terrarium- i've always wondered how the plant can breath.. yes, you do have to open it to water it but after that you just close it right away ? the plant hardly has any oxygen ;-; LOL i don't know but yeah. 
The terrarium that i have is more on the small size yeah, it's just a little over 6inches or 15cm. I think the next one that i will have will be muuuch much bigger.. but that i don't know where to put it lmfao damnit- my house is soo dark hardly any light goes through -.- Actually as a matter of fact, i got my inspiration to create a terrarium from non other than Wesley Chan (member of Wongfu Production) LOL i saw him in the youtube mini series of ISAtv  on thier Makeshift Series i believe and they had some cool interesting stuff to show there and one of them was of course- the Terrarium :)

I only used two different types of plants- Succulents and a hyposetes pink :)

Here's also the video of Wes' "Terrarium" (i'm doing "   "  <-- that because.. well if you watch the video then you'll understand LOL)

btw fashion Fridays will be happening on Tuesday along with drama reviews LOL. 

alright i'm gnna end it here ! i'll see you on Tuesday ! :DD 

Cheers ! 

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