Instagram @kquimms

About me

My name is Kristine- love long walks along the beach and cats. many many cats. 
Hello my lovelies! do I start this? I guess i can start with the basics- I am currently a Torontonian student studying Psychology (3yr), and my growing love for blogging had started during the beginning of university. With the every growing development of new social media platforms- it seemed that everyone was joining the bandwagon of blogging, so it only seemed reasonable to join in on the fun as well J.

I’ve always been an avid blogger ever since I stumbled upon asianavenue ( remember that?! LOL)- with that being said, I am always connected. But at times always being connected is something that I feel, carries some of its own limitations. The sensation that you experience when you are disconnected as well- taking time away from social media and just reserveing time for yourself. whenever I feel overwhelmed or just going through stressful situations I can use blogging as a way to release the angst but often times I generally back away and just think. I some reflect upon my actions and sometimes I clear out all of my thoughts and worries; in a nut shell! I meditate lol.

I have recently begun to boulder as a growing part of my hobbies! Its an amazing experience and also another one of the ways to channel my stress into something that i truely enjoy.

What is this blog about?

This is something that i am currently working on. Lol, I know that sounds like a horrible answer- but i have come to the realisation that alot of the blog posts that i have done- doesn’t necessarily have fluidity within them, so i’m going to try and dedicate this blog mainly to one general thing (most likely korean drama, reviews etc.) and if ever I feel I want to post a blog about something else or a video then i will create a new blog J&

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