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Thursday 16 May 2013

May-16-2013: Blue Jays VS. Giants- Baseball Game!!!

 "Home of the Toronto Blue Jays" 
1:41a.m EST 
Heyyy !! :D so as you guys can all see, a few of my friends and my boyfriend all went out to go to the ball game facing the San Francisco Giants ! "Take me out to the ball game !" I have to say, the experience was amazing ! i think that it was better than I had expected (this is coming from someone who doesn't often watch sports)... Okay to be honest i thought baseball was the most boring sport out there next to lawn bowling lmfao but to my surprise it actually was pretty interesting to watch, i had really enjoyed  it and especially being there in person really made the experience alot more better- getting to absorb the view and the emotions of the crowd. My boyfriend being i think one of the most hardcore fans of Baseball that i've ever known gave me a little idea of what baseball is all about and the rules of it...It's a little confusing at first .. maybe it was the way he explains XD but i think i got a sense of what was going on in the game LMFAOA I even looked up on Youtube "Rules of Baseball" (i know i'm a loser) 

for me personally, if i were to be watching another game I think it would be hard for me to sit throught the whole game itself, like this game alone that we went to was just for 3 hrs. LMAO like c'mon i have a short attention span- unless the game is really hyped up and its hard to tell who will win or lose, then i'll be at the edge of my seat LMAO
--> and lets be honest, baseball isn't necessarily that sort of game unless its like that all the time
I even heard from my bf that at one point one game lasted from 7p.m till 2:00a.m !! thats Ridiculous !!! hollyyy! LMFAO 

I think i would do well in a basket ball game or a Rugby game (i love rugby games)- i wish i could go to one  OH ! or even a football game.. but I think Toronto's team suck 
Kawasaki on Left, Bonafacio on right
LMAO i never hear anything about them -3- 

For baseball i think my favorite players in the team are Muenori Kawasaki and JPArencibia ! LOL i think JP is cute and Kawasaki.. cause he's asian ! XDLOL  (rep! rep!)

Well nonethe less we beat the champions of last year- as a matter of fact we killed them by the 3rd inning with 11-3 at the end. After the game we were all just so exhausted and tired that we all wanted to go home ahah.
 Well I think i'm dead tired today, oh man it's already 2:25a.m alright i think i'll end it off here! 

BTW! Beauty Thursday will be up by tmrrow so stay in touch for that ! :D 

Cheers ! 

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