Instagram @kquimms

Wednesday 8 May 2013

May- 08-2013: I Have The Whole Day Absolutely to Myself !

10:24 a.m
The heading says it all really ! ahh These are just one of those when you're able to have the house all to yourself and it feels like the world has granted you all this freedom (devious intentions). Whenever I'm alone in the house, I would usually start my day with the obvious (washing my face, drinking a cup of water and tying my hair up in a pony tail) then i would continue on going downstairs, turn on the sound system and listen to something really upbeat to wake me up (this morning I put on some Usher :'D). 
I would try to keep a healthy body in mind and start my day off on a healthy start ! :D o this is what i ate: 
- 1 Banana
- Oatmeal
- 1 Apple
- 1 Avocado
Before my summer started I always told myself that i would keep and try to maintain a healthy body and mind, but i have nooo idea how these people are so committed ! XD. I guess my method for me when i'm bombarded with the influences of junk food and not necessarily caring is that i would think about the consequences that would happen if i were to indulge 

--> Lets not be too strict now, it's not bad either to have i guess you can call it a "cheat day" where one day a week you would be able to ignore your balanced diet- it's nice every now and then to reward yourself you know? 
But on the flip side if these rewards are taken advantage of then it would be a little useless to create a balanced diet in the first place right? 

**So Pretty much- as long as you have a limit to these rewards and you take control you will definitely be able to maintain a healthy body and mind ! :D

Anyway i'm going to try and be productive and do something today XD 
Okay so maybe I didn't get the whoole day to myself (my dad just came home from work) but i think my day was well spent! I can feel that summer is approaching really fast here --> btw, i live in Canada :P
I during my time i did my nails and these are the polishes that i've used
Silver Glitter (can be found at any local crafts store)
Wet N' Wild Shine Polish
Revlon ColorStay Base Coat
L'Oreal in Club Prive (105)
Nail Filer

..Hmm, nothing really excited has happened to me much today LOL didn't really go out today so i think i'm going end this blog here ;D !

I'm going to go to HighPark tomorrow so i'll have lots of pictures and maybe some video's up so yeah ! :D



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