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Friday 10 May 2013

May-10-2013: Girl Talk/ Sass ! + Update!

**WARNING**  For all the men that may be reading this post, it may contain some content that may be disturbing for you and some course language ... you have been warned ;)
Anyway, I don't know about anyone else but I guess you can call it... a "womanly sensor" LOL or I don't even know i think i'm PMS-ing. Like honestly, WHAT IS LIFE !?!? (=____=). i don't even know my own bodily functions. LOL 
this womanly sensor, i'm going to assume that it's this internal clock inside that tells you that "oh ! gurrl your gon' get yo period soon!". ahahaha. I can't explain it (i can hardly explain anything -.-), i can feel as though I'm emotional unstable! LOL i swear to God, i was so happy yesterday.. like insanely happy and now i feel like a shitface -.- #sweetjesus.  Girls you know what I'm talking about.

Im just a big ball of confusion *-*
Even while I was just fixing my blog, and changing things up a bit i think i took approx. 2hrs just to figure out the kind of BG  i wanted. Ridiculous. These are just one of the many things that come in a huge package of "Woman". You also know what i think most, NOT ALL but most girls also come with a side of bitchy or troll (in a Bigmac Combo you'll get your sandwich and a side of salty ass fries). Or at least the Girls of my generation (can't be considered women). They just have this underlying tendancy to be little bobbing trolls that just troll around the streets of Toronto and think they are almighty! *Let me slap some sense into you child!!*  

Yes yes there is also the dependency upon internal and external environment... but still i think every female has some level of Bitch in them LOL 
I guess it's just a means of being able to control it or to use it when necessary. 

Now here's a question, What's the difference of being a Bitch and being Fierce?
This is a good question ! ahah, oh dear when I think of fierce the first thing that pops up into my mind is her:
"Ouuuu Tyra yous is hawt gurrrl !" 

"Do you wanna be on top?" --Tyra Banks

Well.. I have greatly digressed LOL, I don't have the monthly gift but i just feel like i need to rant about these Trolls that live among our every own existence! .. Savages i tell you Savages 
I think that even Samuel De Champlain would agree with me ;D 

But hey now don't get me wrong, i'm not sexist here, Being a woman myself i think we are great fun-loving, but sometimes we just have to calm the F down and just shut up. thats it. queit down and take in the people and things around you and just enjoy life.

You know who else is PMS-ing here in Toronto? the weather ! Don't you guys have some other those days where the weather is just PERFECT, lovely weather, Sunny with a high of 24C ? and then all of a sunny Mother Nature just decides to bite you in the ass with rain and thunderstorms for the next SEVEN DAYS -.-  *sigh*
"enough Kristine.. you can't rant forever now can you?" 

lol, I shall end it here 


Oh BTW before i forget i will offically start posting on May 14, 2013 where I will start of with Asian Film Tuesday 

Also ! Fashion Find Fridays  will be renamed into Fashion Forward Fridays !  *big difference >_>* 

Alright Much Luv <3 !

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