Instagram @kquimms

Monday 27 May 2013

May-26-2013: I think I need a Vacation

I think i'm at that point where i just need to stop everything that i'm doing. just .STOP. and take a break from everything (Sorry Toronto, your not working out for me LOL) I think it's time i take a vacation. -.- Seriously, it's been almost over 6 YEARS. SIX! :( I've been overloaded with stress from school, finding a job, family everybody ;-; 
HOWEVER! i do have a remedy for such situations ! ;D 

Stress Relieving Remedy!!
"Kristine How am I suppose to channel out all of this negative energy from?" Well ! look no further Ladies/Men- It's pretty simple. Usually when i'm in a negative spot (like right now lol) i would find outlets for myself, to let go all of my anger, sadness, depression, fear,shock etc. Here are some Outlets or ways to channel out those negative thoughts and simply dispel your body from all the bad things going on and just feel good about yourself again! :D Lets Get Started

1. Be Creative~
If what your going through is something that you feel like you can't tell anyone, the wort that you can do is to simply bottle it up inside and to not do anything about it- its unhealthy and at the end of the day you won't be able to get anything done for yourself.
Find outlets for yourself- if speaking is not one of them (but is always recommended) try buying a journal or a diary and write in that instead. If not writing then how about doing some sketching or painting?? These are great ways to channel out and feelings you have while creating a wonderful masterpiece (killing two birds with one stone- amazing!)

2.  Go Green!
Why not try gardening?? For all those saying to themselves "I don't even have time to tend to the plants in my house right now!" Terrariums. Terrariums are a great way to liven up your home/ room space or where ever your going to put them while at the same time you wont have to water it as much as a regular house plant. 
I did have a post all about terrariums so go and check that out! Gardening is a great way to distract yourself especially with all the lovely and pretty flowers around you~ It was my first time gardening this year and i have to say- it is really relaxing :) try it out with your family or just your mum- I'm sure you'll love it!

3.  Treat Yourself~

Pick any day of the week- for me i would usually pick the end of the week so either Friday or Saturday. An just simply pamper yourself because honestly, who has the time to do it everyday? we deserve it for all the hard work that we've done and all the commotion we've been through. We need to give our skin some good loving- Start off with a nice hot shower or a soothing bubble bath, and work your way into a refreshing skin facial. Maybe doing a little mani and Pedi- Honestly just to do something good for yourself is a great way to channel all those negative thoughts! Imagine that your coming home to your own spa! you'll feel great afterwards ! 

4. Get Cookin' !
Why not cook up a hearty healthy recipe? or if not, sweet delicious pastries ! yummm *-*  I think that this is also a great way for you to get rid of all those thoughts and converting it into something that tastes delicious for all to eat ! *however* This is not for you to only eat yourself. It's no good sulking and just binge eating- where is that going to get you? That is why if you'r going to get cookin' and if you've made too much, give it to a neighbor , or have friends over ! have lots of friends over and have a party!

5. Have a Girls Night Out

As aforementioned in my previous tip- Sulking will get you nowhere. I think that being with your friends and just having a good time is one of the best remedy's for just feeling good. Your best friends are there to help you out emotionally- thats what they're there for, for support. So go out and have a good time- Go out and have dinner, watch a movie, go clubbing! Anything to have a good time, but then again always keep in mind to be responsible at the same time. We don't want any accidents to happen.

Thats it's guys ! I hope this helped in one way or another if your feeling down! 

Cheers ! 


Sunday 26 May 2013

The Trending Patterned Pant/ Trouser !

So, as you all may have seen around town and in the city core- the all well and famous trend of patterned bottoms ! To be honest, I was so excited to buy my first pair of high waist patterned pants- I thought of this to be so chic and glamorous, adding a good slap in the face LOL 

Patterned pants and trousers are a great way to brighten and liven up your wardrobe- and an easy method at that. You honestly would need only one pair of Chic glamorous trousers and trust me. You will be able to make any outfit look stunning and gorgeous !

It might be hard to pull off with so much going on but trust me- it's fairly easy i think anyone can pull it off. 

Patterned Pants
At first styling patterned bottoms can be pretty tricky but you'll get the hang of it! Here are some tips to keep in mind when styling:

- some patterns on the pants can be pretty bold and very loud so you don't want your pants to be competing with your top- SO ! wear a top that will not stand out too much (you want you pants to be the main attraction here)

- If your Pants are tight and skinny, it is best to pair it with a top that is in a way the opposite- a top that is loose and comfortable. Giving an airy look.  (opposites attract)
         For a casual look you can always opt for brown tanned oxfords and a denim top with a slouchy     sweater (again perhaps in the nude creamy shades) 
This idea is the same vice versa :)

- If you do choose to wear a patterned top, it most likely will end up be as though that your top and pants are competing so if you want you can always tone it down with a blazer to keep the top half quiet 

- Playing around with textures are always a great way to make you look all the more interesting- Try pairing up your trousers with a chunky knitted sweater or cardigan or perhaps a silk top with a clean cut blazer to give that crisp office look !

Thats all for now !


Friday 24 May 2013

Western BB Creams VS. Asian BBcreams !

**Before i start here is the type of skin that i have:

- very sensitive
- oily
- redness around the cheeks and nose


Okay so a few days ago  went out and bought maybelline's "BB cream"

and do you know those days where you're just like" okay, i shouldn't buy this because everyone else says it's not what it says" but then some stupid light goes up in your mind saying" oh maybe you should, you never know.. your skin is different ! "  ..... LOL #letmeexplain

I bought this BB cream for 2 specific reasons:
- i needed something that was light enough for me to wear outside in the sun without it melthing off my face

- i was running out of the foundation that i usually wear (Almay)

So i thought i'd give this a go. Completely understanding AND have read that most american bb creams are simply just tinted moisturizers -.- LOL

All in all i just don't think that american bb creams come even close to asian bb creams. (at least in drugstore brands)
ALTHOUGH, i have heard of one bb cream that is drugstore that is decent- the L'Oreal bb cream.  This is PBunnieP- She does many reviews of BB creams, and asian ones as well please subscribe to her channel ! :D 

With that being said, in comparison to the bb creams in Asia i feel that the Asian brands are more dominant- they live up to what they say. 

personally for me the only down side is the lack of colour shades. Yes i am asian but i'm a dark asian lol so i can't really use their bb creams.. I can but that's only in the winter lol. There are companies that are beginning to expand and showcasing more shades for every body to use- Perhaps one of the major skin companies such as Missha and Skin79 Dr. Jart may have too.

Another set back for the Asian BB creams is that most of them end up having a grey-ish  tint to them .... i don't know anyone who has grey skin but yeah. If theres a reason behind the shades of grey someone please enlighten me lol


well as i had said- they do live up to there name for actually being a "blemish balm cream". depending on the brand that you get (which there are a variety of them !!) 
many of the BB creams have lightening properties which will lighten the complexion of your skin and as well lighten any scars 
BB creams in Asia have the moisturizing effect of a good moisturizer while at the same time the effects of a foundation covering up any blemishes or pigmentation
whats great about these kinds of BB creams is that you would generally think that all bb creams are all light  to medium coverage how ever like i said it comes in many varieties- from very light to buildable heavy coverage. Many companies are also investing in ecofriendly methods of production and ingredients (Innisfree)

Most Asian BB creams comes with SPF with PA ++ so thats a plus (ha !) when your going out in the sun or on vacation and dont want to cake your face

So Kristine, an last words of advice? 

- When picking out your bb cream- always do you research before buying in person or online!
- Pick BB creams that work well under your conditions- your environment. if you live in a sunny area then SPF and PA ++  is number 1
- if your going out personally and looking for a bb cream, there are always sales adivosrs to help ! they also have their opinion so ask questions 

- in the end, it's all depending on what you want and what your needs are- 
- it's a trial and error process- you might not get the right bb cream at first but its all part of the process (like getting a boyfriend LMFAO)

Cheers ! 


Tuesday 21 May 2013

Fashion Friday ! Maxi Skirts and Dresses

Well throughout the weeks, I was on the the hunt for maxi everything lol from maxi skirts to dresses ! - i'm really looking for something that i can dress up and dress down into
Not to mention- item pieces that are wallet friendly.. and i mean real wallet friendly aha! I have been looking for dresses and skirts for so long but there is no right item piece that comes along. I happened to look and find 2 Maxi dresses in the most unexpected places- for me at least. 
I bought them at Urban Planet..... LOL don't be all judgmental now! I am a student on a real tiightt budget LMAO i don't have time to be prancing around and about at Club Monaco or Zara atm LMAO i must go back to the olden days where urban planet was my main bitch (no not really.) But yeah- to be honest you have to look..reaaaally hard in order for you to find a real nice decent dress- fortunately for me i found one that I would be able to wear to formal events and one i can wear for more casual days :)

^ the photo above is a photo of the Formal maxi dress --> please excuse the messy desk LMAO 
I'm going through a phase where i love long EVERYTHING (lets narrow that down to only fashion..) In my personal opinion, i think that modesty is the new sexy for me--> If i were a guy and I saw a young lady walking around in a maxi dress, in a way it would kind of show her promiscuity. We as a culture are so used to wearing shorts and short skirts and above the knee dresses that we would be interested and curious if a person were to wear something long and covering, like "what does she have to hide?" sort of atmosphere-- it is eye catching (not to mention glamorous!)
Here we can see Jessica Alba (on left) wearing a bold black/white printed pattern with a biker vest to add a little bit of masculinity while Vanessa Hudgens maintains her cute persona with a nude detailed pattern maxi with a delicate frill on the chest and to top it all off a slouchy fringed bag.

Maxi skirts can definitely display  boho chic to any look.... you know what its just better to say the Maxi's are very versatile! Like you can do a million things with the dress!!

I thinnk the number one issue with long dresses is the Length- "i can't pull it off cause i'm too short" it doesn't have to necessarily be that way. There are many ways to fight the problem:

  1. Wear Wedges- wedges can add on substantial amount of height while at the same time keeping you comfy and safely on the ground than your typical stilettos 
  2. Find a High-Lo Maxi dress- if your not into wearing high wedges or platforms you can always opt for a high-lo maxi dress where basically it is high cut at the front but has a waterfall effect flowing longer towards the back. 

Also if it's too long there is also the option for Hemming to your desired length? that way you, won't be tripping over yourself or having to hold your dress every time you walk ;P

The same concept goes for Skirts--> i think having a skirts allows you for more lea way into making the skirt work for you 
What i would do is that i take a quick look outside--> that in a way sort of determines how I would want to dress along with how i feel E.g: if i felt cheery and the weather is great i would wear light pastel colours with fabric that is light and airy/flowy  i would then pair this with nude to brown accents (belts, earrings, shoes etc) 

Thats it for this post guys ! 

Cheers ! 


Asian Film Review Tuesday- We Got Married!: Global Edition!

10:33a.m EST 

We Got Married!: Global Edition 
Is this a Korean Drama?
it is Korean yes, but it isn't a drama it's a reality show  :P

Any Famous Actors?
literally, all of the actors are famous xD 

Is it currently Airing?

Are there any foreign actors?
From how much i have seen, there are 2 foreign actors, the wife with Taecyeon is Gui Gui. the one with Lee Honggi is Fujii Mina

Okay this isn't necessarily a drama but its a Korean show nonetheless, and let me just say this.... this by far the most CUTEST reality TV show that i have EVER seen ! :'DD 
There have been past korean reality TVshows where they had imaginary weddings and of course this one was the most recents (the only thing that is different from the others is that this dramas takes celebrities from other asian countries as "guest-stars" for the show) 

I guess you can say that the producers of the show are like 'matchmakers' they profile different celebrities and they would match them up with the perfect pair- the producers then create missions or dates for the couples to enter into hoping to create chemistry between the couples.

Here are the members of the show:

First Couple
Gui Gui


Second Couple

Lee Hong Ki

Fujii Mina

LOL it's just plain cute i cannot stress that enough ! lol

The First Couple
I think immediately you can see that Taecyeon is i guess a little awkward when talking (maybe that's just me but can't you tell??) 
Gui Gui, has a very cheery happy personality that she brings with her in the show and is seen all throughout- this couple is more of a light playful relationship that's filled with alot of humour and excitement.
I think immediately you can see that Taecyeon is i guess a little awkward when talking (maybe thats just me but can't you tell??) or shy ....something like that ! and with the help of Gui Gui's outgoing playful personality i think it supports the awkwardness lolol. (good job Mr. Producer!)
Also throughout the show they would also show snippets of the opinions and thoughts of both the couples about their partners, the experience they've had, their feelings etc. 

The Second Couple
Here we can definitely see the say "Opposites Attract" sort of thing going on here- throughout the show producers and directors interview both partners and as questions where the answers will be completely opposite ! XD like literally LOLOL  
Aiiggoo- Honggi, is like Gui Gui in that he also has an upbeat cheery personality Fujii-san is on the other hand 2yrs older than Honggi. interviewers do further questioning and then it makes you wonder "What happened Mr. Producer? you were doing so well in the first couple, what happened to this one?" LOL BUT ! you will see throughout the show that things start to change :) 

It's a really sweet show that sort of gives you a break from all the dramas and sad soppy stories LMAOO give it a try i'm sure you'll Love it ! :D 
Here's a trailer below of the show if you haven't seen it yet ! :D

***Bottom Line***
If you want a break from all the lover story dramas and want to have a laugh (or many) this Show is perfect for you ! --> Think of Running Man- but no Kwang Soo and all the others, just the humour with a hint of love LOLOL

That's it for my review guys ! Hope you Liked it 
Stay in Touch for the next drama ! :D 

Sunday 19 May 2013

May-19-2013: Happy Victoria Day !

2:56p.m EST
Hey guys ! happy Victoria day to you all !! :'DD .. does the US celebrate this ? XD I'm not too sure.. i don't think so. but for all the others who do (Canadians) I bid you good eating, good drinking and many fireworks to celebrate and to aim at each other (aha, i'm kidding!) 
For the Canadians, what will you be doing this weekend ??? It's super sunny out here in Toronto so spend it while you can because the next few days will consist of showers and thunderstorms -.- lol. 
My family and I are going tomorrow to Niagara Falls for the holidays, and for me it's going to be nice for me to get out of the house XDD LOL.I think it take us approx. 3hrs to get to Niagara- 2hrs if we want to rush and if there is ABSOLUTELY no traffic (highly unlikely)  I've been staying inside the house like a hermit ;-; (i haven't been out to hang out with friends- #sadlife). I need a job ;-; oh the troubles of a Student trying to make some money- among many other troubles (-____-)

Well ! on a side note I finally accomplished what was on my summer list for such a long time !! Terrariums !
 I finally made my frist one and it will definately will not be last ! Call me what you like man, but i love doing these, they are so cute and it's very easy to take care of them- the type of terrarium i have is an open terrarium.. i never really understood the concept of the closed terrarium- i've always wondered how the plant can breath.. yes, you do have to open it to water it but after that you just close it right away ? the plant hardly has any oxygen ;-; LOL i don't know but yeah. 
The terrarium that i have is more on the small size yeah, it's just a little over 6inches or 15cm. I think the next one that i will have will be muuuch much bigger.. but that i don't know where to put it lmfao damnit- my house is soo dark hardly any light goes through -.- Actually as a matter of fact, i got my inspiration to create a terrarium from non other than Wesley Chan (member of Wongfu Production) LOL i saw him in the youtube mini series of ISAtv  on thier Makeshift Series i believe and they had some cool interesting stuff to show there and one of them was of course- the Terrarium :)

I only used two different types of plants- Succulents and a hyposetes pink :)

Here's also the video of Wes' "Terrarium" (i'm doing "   "  <-- that because.. well if you watch the video then you'll understand LOL)

btw fashion Fridays will be happening on Tuesday along with drama reviews LOL. 

alright i'm gnna end it here ! i'll see you on Tuesday ! :DD 

Cheers ! 

Thursday 16 May 2013

Beauty Thursday!: C&F Cosmetics- Cotton Mask Sheets

8:42 p.m EST
hey guys :) so as you can see I'm going to be talking about C&F- well to be more precise i'm going to be talking about their line of cotton mask sheets.  

But first here are some general questions:

What is a  Cotton Mask?
Cotton masks are essentially pieces of cotton that would shaped be to fit all face shapes and sizes. These cotton masked are soaked in a thick consistency like serum that would have all the essential nutrients needed for your face. 

Some masks would contain, aloe, green tea, papaya or whitening ingredients- in the end it all depends on the kind of effect you would like to have (tightening of pores, lighter skin, acne scar removal etc) 

Do Cotton Masks work more effectively and quickly than regular clay masks or peel-off masks? 
I think that would depend on what sort of effect the individual wants for the face- the difference between Cotton Masks and the regular sort that you would find at your local store, is that it's more gentle on the face and it uses less harsh ingredients on the face. With that being said I don't think it's necessarily a more quicker option, it's more of a gradual process that you would see within a month or so after use. Effective? yes very. If you are committed in using the cotton masks then you will definitely see results- your body is soaking up and absorbing all of that good stuff, allowing your skin to look brighter and more healthy and fresh.

If I were to use a Cotton Mask When would be the best time to use it?
I would have to say immediately after you take a shower or a nice hot bath. This is because after taking a shower, your pores would be open from the steam- at this point it is the best time to apply the cotton mask. The cotton mask would be able to perform at optimal levels because the steam and the humidity is allowing for easy access of the serum (aha!).

How long would I leave it on my face for?
 Well this all depends on which mask you are purchasing, usually its 30min- for me personally i like to keep it on until the mask feels as though it as almost dried out. This way, i'll be able to soak up literally all the serum XD. (sometimes there's serum left inside the package, i would just squeeze that out and onto my skin as well lol.

Okay and now for C&F's cotton masks 

I had purchased these one's a while ago (For those in the Toronto Area they sell it up at Pacific Mall on Steeles and Kennedy) these i believe were 10$ for 10 packs. 

They have a long range of cotton masks that contain different ingredients that will have different effects. I think that in comparison to other brands- these kinds of cotton sheets are ..... okay ? Like they're pretty good (i'd give them a 3.5/5). I just felt that the serum didn't give me a smooth finish as the Pearl Essence Cotton Masks. -->>>

I felt that the CF cotton masks' serum has a more liquidy consistency and didn't really make my pores smaller than this Taiwanese brand (i'm sorry i don't know the brand name of this one *-*)

Also the C&F mask when you open the package, it doesn't come with a protective plastic in the mask so that it doesn't ripe while your trying to unfold it- I almost had several incidences where i almost ripped my mask -.- smh. 

Yeah overall, it's an ookay product its a very basic type of mask- not as skin enhancing as you would want it to be
.. not the best but if your a university student on a budget then i don't see why not ! 
There is always the option of buying online as western places do not have as much variety as they do in Asia- as long as you do your research and look up a few reviews on the product ! :D 

This is it guys- i hope you enjoyed ! 



May-16-2013: Blue Jays VS. Giants- Baseball Game!!!

 "Home of the Toronto Blue Jays" 
1:41a.m EST 
Heyyy !! :D so as you guys can all see, a few of my friends and my boyfriend all went out to go to the ball game facing the San Francisco Giants ! "Take me out to the ball game !" I have to say, the experience was amazing ! i think that it was better than I had expected (this is coming from someone who doesn't often watch sports)... Okay to be honest i thought baseball was the most boring sport out there next to lawn bowling lmfao but to my surprise it actually was pretty interesting to watch, i had really enjoyed  it and especially being there in person really made the experience alot more better- getting to absorb the view and the emotions of the crowd. My boyfriend being i think one of the most hardcore fans of Baseball that i've ever known gave me a little idea of what baseball is all about and the rules of it...It's a little confusing at first .. maybe it was the way he explains XD but i think i got a sense of what was going on in the game LMFAOA I even looked up on Youtube "Rules of Baseball" (i know i'm a loser) 

for me personally, if i were to be watching another game I think it would be hard for me to sit throught the whole game itself, like this game alone that we went to was just for 3 hrs. LMAO like c'mon i have a short attention span- unless the game is really hyped up and its hard to tell who will win or lose, then i'll be at the edge of my seat LMAO
--> and lets be honest, baseball isn't necessarily that sort of game unless its like that all the time
I even heard from my bf that at one point one game lasted from 7p.m till 2:00a.m !! thats Ridiculous !!! hollyyy! LMFAO 

I think i would do well in a basket ball game or a Rugby game (i love rugby games)- i wish i could go to one  OH ! or even a football game.. but I think Toronto's team suck 
Kawasaki on Left, Bonafacio on right
LMAO i never hear anything about them -3- 

For baseball i think my favorite players in the team are Muenori Kawasaki and JPArencibia ! LOL i think JP is cute and Kawasaki.. cause he's asian ! XDLOL  (rep! rep!)

Well nonethe less we beat the champions of last year- as a matter of fact we killed them by the 3rd inning with 11-3 at the end. After the game we were all just so exhausted and tired that we all wanted to go home ahah.
 Well I think i'm dead tired today, oh man it's already 2:25a.m alright i think i'll end it off here! 

BTW! Beauty Thursday will be up by tmrrow so stay in touch for that ! :D 

Cheers ! 

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Film Review Tuesday: When A Man Loves

10:13a.m EST
Okay, Let's be honest.. lol i was pretty damn excited to write this review. Let me tell you. I Love asian drama's! lmfao okay i'm digressing here xD 

 남자가 사랑할 때
When A Man Loves/When a Man Falls In Love

What kind of drama is this: Korean

Is it currently Airing?: Yes

Any well known cast members?: Generally all the major cast members

How many episodes will be airing?: 20

What is the genre?: Melodrama, Romance

Has it made you cry yet?: No, not yet. I'm only 7-8 episodes in so there are still many chances for me to cry a river aha.

Here are the major Cast Members:

Shin Se Kyung-- Seo Mi Do

Song Seung-heon -- Han Tae-sang

Chae Jung-an -- Baek Seung-Joo

In the beginning of the drama, the series starts off seven years ago from the present- during this time Shin Se Kyung (plays Seo Mi Do) was a top student at a private institute, often going to a community area where many family's would line up for free rice. She lives in a poor family household- in major debt by Loan Sharks and also owning a bookstore that did not seem very beneficial at the time. 
Song Seung Heon (plays Han Tae Sang) a very powerful loan shark along with his men came into the bookstore obviously demanding the father of the household for their money (which he was not able to return)- simply the pressure of keeping the house and pressure from the sharks lead him to disappear leaving on a goodbye note. Mi Do is told of what happened and at this point both Han Tae Sang and Seo Mi Do have met  ;). 
Mi Do explains that she will be in he place of her father and will give them back what her father owes in-- Oops ;) at this point i'm going to give away the goods 

Judging from the name of the drama series and the photo above, I feel that you can safely assume that this drama is in the genre of romance and melodramatic. Like all Korean drama's, this one would fall under the category of typical dramas (CEO man falling in love with a poor but beautiful woman- another woman gets in the way etc.) 

For me personally these sorts of drama's can never  tire me out- I really love these sorts of situations. I feel that also the role of characters are played really well and at the same time maintaining the idea of this drama to be considered as melodramatic. Their are also comedic reliefs here and there(especially with Tae Sang)- I feel that how much comedic relief that they put into this drama was at a decent level (if the producers and directors were to put too much I think that the drama would lose the idea and the atmosphere of this being a really dramatic and romantic series). 
Yeah, I think their choice of actors/actresses were really good, it's been the first time for me to be seeing Shin Se Kyung and Song Seung Heon, so it was a little refreshing to have new faces as one of the leads 

If you think about it, this drama would almost be parallel to the fairytale of Cinderella- Poor Mi Do is a smart young woman who goes to a centre to get free rice hoping to reel in some money if she finds a job to help support her family. All of a sudden a handsome prince (Tae Sang) comes in to sweep her off her feet to help support her in her tuition fees, the family debts and even goes further. <-- But I guess you can say that for the majority of Korean Drama's ;P

The one thing that is different from this drama and all the other Korean one's is that, this drama in a way isn't very predictable, it has many directions it can go and this drama in particular goes along the path that you really wouldn't expect. Granted, the role of the characters (being a dominant position of a well known company and a poor girl) are quite overused, there are many scenes in which one would think "Oh i know what is going to happen." but it's completely the opposite. This drama really makes you stay on your toes and entices you to watch the next episode or to wait another week for the latest one!


 If your that kind of person who is really into corny romantic dramas and loves a little tug of war between 3-4 persons (in terms of love relationships) I think that This Drama Is Right For You ! ;D

Well that's it for my reivew! :) I hope you guys liked it, Stay in touch next week, my next Film Review Tuesday  will be of: 

