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Thursday 26 December 2013

Christmas Special!- Boxing Day Madness, Dec-26-2013


As you all may know, usually Christmas time is a time of holiday festivities and family gatherings filled with food joy and wonder etc.etc. That time usually comes to an immediate close once fucking Boxing Day arrives

I swear to god- this day is literally parallel to that of The Purge (for those of you who don't know the Purge, it's basically one day of the year where people are granted permission to kill each other. It's pretty gruesome. watch the movie) LOL honestly- malls are packed you literally cannot walk 2 feet without someone pushing you or someone walking fucking turtle pace in front of you.

I may sound over board with this but i this is just because i just finished a work shift at one of the stores and it was so bad LOL- thank goodness i didn't work a closing shift xDD 

I understand for some it's like a tradition for their family to go HAM, on gettin' those deals and whatnot- but comeon.. in this day of age, there's a thing called online shopping and they have sales there too ! LOL

Maybe it's different in other countries- i live in Toronto, so the sales here aren't that amazing. It's more of a boxing WEEK rather than day, so that discount is something thats going to remain even after Boxing day (another reason why i question their logic). I just want to make something clear here- i'm not trying to bash anyone LOL by all means, go shop. i'm just saying there are many alternatives where you can get the same exact time, not even wait in any line and still be satisfied with your purchase. 

Anyway- enough of my ranting lol. i'm done

Cheers everybody and happy holidays !


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