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Saturday 21 December 2013

Unwrap Your Memories Campaign!


Alright, now before i begin with this post, I'd like to say that I have officially completed Behavioural Research Methods and Statistical methods Part 1 ! :'D I'm so happy lol . and now!~..

Hello there my lovelies, I hope you all are having a wonderful Christmas holiday vacation~. I've recently received an email asking me 

"Dear Kristine, what is your most memorable memory of Christmas?

whether it be when you were a child or even when you are an adult. 

Okay, i have to be honest with you. Whenever someone asks me to think back to a certain time, or just thinking back in general, I either come up with some sort of negative response that just kills the conversation as a result, or a blank response... that's really just the first few things that come up in my mind until someone reminds me "didn't you do _____ over the winter break?" then, i'll be "Oh yeah! i did do that!"...

Its usually just the negative things that I remember. And on top of that i don't have a very great memory. I've had a lot of things happen to me, but that's for another time to share with you. For now, I'll try to remember the positive that happened to me during Christmas :)

A couple years back- this... hmm probably just when i turned 5 (2000). We usually spend our Christmas at my cousins. Being Filipino and all, all i could remember was the ample supply of food ! LOL it was everywhere-- wait. Lets not forget the karaoke machine- i had a microphone in one hand singing endlessly for 2 hrs (i think it was Britney Spears at the time), in the other hand was i think some Lechon (at this point, Google is your best friend). 

It was the best- everybody was singing and dancing to my sad singing on the karaoke machine. It was great, i always sang infront of my dads new video camera, i also got my brother and sister with me, my closest cousins and the rest of my family, and the food LOL the glorious food. Everyone would contribute- everyone, so it was a feast. 

**I do have to give you a little warning- my way of writing tends to be a little all over the place- i don't really like to edit and rearrange my blogs most of the time, so yeah lol. just bare with me here. (<--even saying this right now is alittle out of the blue lol.)

Tradition in my family went sorta like this- During Christmas/ Newyears eve, everyone would gather round by 11:50 of Christmas Eve or Newyears eve with the TV on blast on CityPulse (when it was still called that at the time), the kids (us) would be getting ready the pot and pans with the wooden spoons and the adults with change in their pockets. By the time the clock struck 12midnight- everybody would be celebrating with clanging pots and money thrown everywhere for us to try and catch LOL it was so terrible LOL. i was always the one to get the least amount- mainly cause i was the youngest and everybody else was big and pushed me away xD. BUT ! thats beside the point!! 

At this point it was a time of celebration of thanking the world for having what we have- a family. i would see family members kiss, and and cousins getting grabbed by my uncles and aunts and celebrating together. Of course i was with my parents as well. It was greatest time during the year.

I hate to say this but my dad was right- I would be able to understand everything until i was older. And now that i am, evening now as i'm typing up with post for you that it's a memory that i should really cherish and remember instead of all the bad things that have happened to me. 

These are the kinds of memories that will help keep me going and to move forward :)


Alright ! lol now, with that being said, i did mention earlier that this post was because of an email that someone sent me- that someone was actually They had recently asked me to participate in this lovely campaign called "Unwrap Your Memories" (hence the Blogpost Title). :))

I think i'm going to end it here before i pass out lol, goodnight all!


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