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Thursday 12 December 2013

Stocking Stuffers for Christmas


i'm currently studying for my statistics exam for next week... *sigh* 

i thought i'd take my mind off of such an atrocity with a list of easy stocking stuffers that i think everyone would love- this is mainly for the ladies but also welcome for the men as well :D.

For me, i always have the problem of what to give to people because you know, even if you've known the person for a long time, you'd want to give them a decent gift right? Usually when i plan out my gifts for people i usually ask myself, 

"Self, what is something that they need, and is within my budget?

(which is very important as a university student xD) 

So for my case, i'm thinking of what to give to my sister, she's a nurse and i feel that shes always stressed and doesn't give the time to herself to you know.. relaxxx and just pamper herself, soo i thought it'd be great to give her small things that would help her relax after coming home from a long days of work. 

This is a list of what I've come up with:

  1. Cotton Sheet Masks
I don't think she's ever tried these before- they're reall inexpensive and if you get a box set there would be about 10. Or if you want you can get an assortment of different facial masks so that the person you're giving it to will have a variety to try out :) 

2. Facial Creams/ Serums/ Moisturizers/ Eye creams etc.

Preferably, I'd like to get her something from Lancome- like a night cream or something.So when she puts on something before she goes to bed, when she wake up in the morning her face will have soaked up all the nutrients and goodies and just feel- refreshed!  You can purchase any other brand or beauty line, for some reason i'm just drawn towards Lancome xD. 

3. Cozy Socks/ Warm slippers

I believe that it should be in order that everyone own and really nice pair of warm fuzzy and cozy socks or slippers- like a MUST. You are not truly relaxed at home unless you have a good pair of cozy socks to wear or slippies to put on. My sisters place, is tiles and is pretty cold, the slippers that she does have is a little worn out so maybe getting a nice pair of bunny slippers would do the job. I'll have to figure out though how to stuff these in the stockings.
And if this is for a male friend- jsut switch it up and get slippers that look more like it should be for a dude- like Panda slippers, or bear slippers lol !

Be creative- have fun with shopping for your friends and family, it shouldn't be a months worth of stress and unnecessary fighting at malls (ladies). If you want to be practical then get shopping done early, and avoid the vicious crowds during december and november months.

Well then! I shall be wishing you all Happy Holidays ! :D


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