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Monday 29 July 2013

Fashion Trending!: HeadScarves!!

8:05am (I've become accustomed to wake up really early and end up sneaking in naps here and there throughout the whole day)

Hey guys ! I've got a fashion trend for you :D it's actually been around for a while but I was inspired to only talk about it now because .. well i'm wearing one myself ! aha! so here we go~ I'm going to be talking about the different kinds of head scarves and ways to wear 'em!

Okay lets be honest, head scarves can be grouped into that pile of intimidate accessory items especially if it's something new for you. Head scarves come typically in a silk square shaped looking handkerchief however i do have a couple of head scarves that are rectangular- lol so there's that. Head scarves are usually smaller and short than your regular neck scarf- so if you're worried that you might pick up a neck scarf instead of a headscarf when your at the store just keep that in mind!

Alright so depending on the size of head scarf you will get (or maybe yo uahve one already) will most likely determine the style that you will create (big scarf=more fabric to work with. vice versa)
Let me tell you- there are soooo many ways to wear head scarves that it's unbelievable! i bet you 100% ever person that you see with a head scarf will always have something different. 

I think this is the most common look that i have seen on other individuals- which is the basic knot at the front. I think that head scarves are a great way to boost up your outfit and at the same time to hide that trollish bed head you have that you can't tame lol 
As i said, this is a common look that i think any one can do it and is very easy. 


1) Tie your hair in a bun or pontytail- whichever you prefer

2) grab your scarf and place it on the floor or on a flat surface

3) take one end of the scarf and meet it with the end diagonal from it

4) start folding the scarf in sections (3-4) until it looks like a strip 
or band 
(depending on your preference the band can be thick 
or thin, it's up to you)

5. At this point, you can grab either ends of the scarf and place it on your head so that the ends of the scarf is at the front of you face 

6. is this pretty much the easiest part- just tie a simple know at the front of your head

7. the little bunny ears hanging out can be simply tucked away or pinned back and- BAM! your done :D

I found this video a while ago talking more about head scarves and ways to wear them:

I hope you guys found this a little helpful! 


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