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Wednesday 24 July 2013

Drama Review: You're the Best Lee Soon Shin!

최고다 이순신!!

Here I am with yet again another review- You're the Best, Lee Soon Shin! Here we go! 

Is this drama Korean?: Yes

Is this a new drama?: Not necessarily no, seeing how many
 episodes they have released 

Any Recognizable actors/actresses?: For me all these characters 
are fairly new, except for UI

Genre?: Definately a Romantic Comedy

Will it make you cry?: LOL, i don't think so- there are challenges the 
characters face but it's more of a drama that will 
make you laugh than anything

How Many Episodes have been released?: Too many to count- alot.

Main Characters

UI as Lee Soon Shin

  • Lee Soon Shin, the youngest of two other siblings was often belittled by family, close friends and just people in general. She would always think that people around her aren't able to recognize her potential and talent as an individual.
  • She is very hard working and committed in her efforts to get the job done in whatever she does as seen throughout the drama.
  • very gullible as a person, she ends up getting swindled by a man who called himself the CEO of a famous Talent Agency.

Jo Jung Suk As Shin Joon Ho

  • The real CEO of the Famous Talent Agency is Shin Joon Ho- a very conceided typical character of most korean dramas lol
  • cocky, and from first impression it's like he thinks that the world revolves around him lol 
  • He first meets Lee Soon Shin at a celebratory event at a hotel where she accidentally ruins his outfit causing a fuss

Yoo In-na as Lee Yoo Shin

  • Yoo In-na is seen here as one of the older sisters of UI (Leee Soon Shin) 
  • In-na is usually the sibling that bully's Soon Shin throughout the film and CONSTANTLY belittles her- so unreasonable ! 
  • she may have good intentions for her younger sister, wanting her to succeed and all but her methods in pushing her is so wrong! (you'll know what I mean when you start watching)

Go Joon Won as Park Chan Woo

  • Park Chan Woo is a dermatologist that Lee Soon Shin has the biggest crush on 
  • the drama suggests that Chan Woo likes Yoo Shin and only see's Soon Shin as a younger sister 
  • I feel like he's the only calm, collected and rational character and always lending a helping hand for the Lee family


Lee Soon Shin was an Alumni at a decent university trying to find a job- unlike her two sisters, she was not as successful in finding a job. Along with the stress and pressure of trying to satisfy her parents, Lee Soon Shin's older sister Yoo Shin is also giving her a hard time. She has stress coming from every corner and at this point I would even feel desperate myself. 

She encounters a man who claims to be Shin Joon Ho- the CEO of a very famous Talent Agency and believes that Soon Shin has the potential to become a rising star in the acting industry. Almost instantly she gives in and signs a contract stating that she will be given  10,000,000. <--- Obviously this was a scam lol. This man eventually disappeared leaving Lee Soon Shin with an enormous amount of debt to pay of to the bank. As if things couldn't get any worse right? The real Shin Joon Ho finally meets Soon Shin and tries to convince her to sign a contract to become a real actress for the sake of some ridiculous bet that he makes with his ex lover.


Hmm... I'm still only a couple of episodes in on this drama but it's actually good so far considering my doubts lol.. The only concern that i have is the amount of episodes this drama has- more than 35 FYI. yeah. and all of them are 1hr LOL, i'm just not sure whether or not I'll be finishing this drama. It's a good drama nonetheless and something to definately check out if you want to simply pass the time.

Here's the Trailer for the drama

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