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Saturday 29 June 2013

I Really need a Cold One- Where's My Sapporo??

Why, why the hell am I so fucking hard to understand?! I don't even know what i bloody want? <-- Do you know what this is called? indecisiveness- not knowing what you want, you end up switching from one or the other kind of thing. I'm pretty positive that the audience reading this will be like "Wtf?" It's so frustrating having to go through all this nonsense =___________= i feel like I'm going to grow white hairs LMAO. 

I'm just writing this just to release some anger.. I don't have a punching bag but i really need to invest in one- Lets just say that it's relationship problems ;P *ladies you know what i'm talkin' about* LOL. I'm trying to get my head straight and in the right direction....I'm running out of beer ;-; shit things really are going wrong ...i wish there was an LCBO that opened 24hrs and was walking distance form my house XD.  All I can say is that cherish the friends that you've got.... if the situation cannot be helped don't be held back. Just accept the situation and move on from the situation. Things happen for a reason- Who knows ! =D guys might be able to spontaneously see each other again it will sort of become like a fresh new start.... This is just optimism speaking 

I'm just sugar coating shit.

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