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Sunday 16 June 2013

June- 16-2013: Distractions Distractions Distractions

I don't understand how other people do it. Focusing on one thing- just that one thing. Can't people notice the million things around them or do they just completely ignore it?? I have no idea. I get so distracted, LOL I will not be able to fix my mind onto one thing, i'll end up wandering around and doing other things on the side while i get the job done. 
For example right now, I'm writing this blog, but at the same time i'm stopping almost every 2 min looking and wondering how they made this couch that I'm sitting on or the fact that the i'm listening to 102.1 TheEdge and just simply listening to the different sounds the radio makes.... even my bloody fingers ! ..... i have fine lines on my fingers.... omfg LOL I end up wondering how i get things done on a day to day basis. I tend to notice really small things that some people don't notice themselves(or at leas the people that I've known). It's not because what I'm doing right now is boring.. is it? LOL no i do this alot regardless of what I do- I am sometimes able to shut it out. I don't know lol. 
I Do, I definately get distracted very  easily. I sort of wish I wouldn't be able to notice most things though.. ahah, what if i end up noticing or seeing something that'll make me sad or something that shouldn't see/hear you know? LOL  ... i notice too much, and on top of that I think too much, I over think any situation- i will always think worst case scenario's especially when it comes to relationships ! ahah oh man, let's not even go there.

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