Instagram @kquimms

Thursday 5 March 2015

Film Review|| The Tales of Princess Kaguya, かぐや姫の物語

Studio Ghibli- The Tales of Princess Kaguya|| かぐや姫の物語

Okay, can I just rave about how AMAZING this movie is?! Most definitely, this has to be on par with many of the other well known Ghibli movies out there. I simply cannot stress enough the heartfelt emotions and just the movie as a whole- it is some that just captivates and engulfs the audience.

This is the Japanese trailer:

This is the Official US trailer:

Friday 6 February 2015

ASIAN FILM REVIEW: It’s Okay, That’s Love [[ 괜찮아, 사랑이]]

It’s Okay, That’s love  괜찮아, 사랑

How many eps?  There are 16 episodes

Are there any actors that I know?  DEFINATELY. Very well known actors- one of actors also stars in Running man

Genre? Comedy-romance, psychological

Tuesday 3 February 2015

FILM REVIEW: Kill Me Heal Me [[ 킬미, 힐미]]

Kill Me Heal Me

How many total eps? 20 episodes
Are there any actors/ actresses that I know of?  Okay so I have done my research, even though some of these character are not recognizable- I know that that two main characters are from other pretty big drama series (ex. Full House take 2, Secret Love)

What kind of genre? Psychological, romance, comedy, melodrama

Sunday 1 February 2015

Upcoming Reviews for the month of February!

Hello my lovely bloggers ! 

I'm not sure if any of you have noticed during the past, but alot of the new kdramas that CBS and a other companies have been coming out with- alot of them seem to have a focus on psychological issues; which I

Saturday 31 January 2015

I've Missed You Guys !

Hey Y'all! 

it has been forever since i've last posted a blog here!  how long has it been? 2 years aha oh man. Time definitely flies, but with all that aside I have some quick announcements to make.

 i will be probably be making some awkward changes around this blog- I've begun to notice how "messy" it looks. With that being said, I probably might change things around, I will continue to do reviews or kdrama’s so don’t worry ;) i’ve got alot i need to do lol
i’ll just have to organize my post a little better :P