Instagram @kquimms

Saturday 29 June 2013

I Really need a Cold One- Where's My Sapporo??

Why, why the hell am I so fucking hard to understand?! I don't even know what i bloody want? <-- Do you know what this is called? indecisiveness- not knowing what you want, you end up switching from one or the other kind of thing. I'm pretty positive that the audience reading this will be like "Wtf?" It's so frustrating having to go through all this nonsense =___________= i feel like I'm going to grow white hairs LMAO. 

I'm just writing this just to release some anger.. I don't have a punching bag but i really need to invest in one- Lets just say that it's relationship problems ;P *ladies you know what i'm talkin' about* LOL. I'm trying to get my head straight and in the right direction....I'm running out of beer ;-; shit things really are going wrong ...i wish there was an LCBO that opened 24hrs and was walking distance form my house XD.  All I can say is that cherish the friends that you've got.... if the situation cannot be helped don't be held back. Just accept the situation and move on from the situation. Things happen for a reason- Who knows ! =D guys might be able to spontaneously see each other again it will sort of become like a fresh new start.... This is just optimism speaking 

I'm just sugar coating shit.

Sunday 16 June 2013

June- 16-2013: Distractions Distractions Distractions

I don't understand how other people do it. Focusing on one thing- just that one thing. Can't people notice the million things around them or do they just completely ignore it?? I have no idea. I get so distracted, LOL I will not be able to fix my mind onto one thing, i'll end up wandering around and doing other things on the side while i get the job done. 
For example right now, I'm writing this blog, but at the same time i'm stopping almost every 2 min looking and wondering how they made this couch that I'm sitting on or the fact that the i'm listening to 102.1 TheEdge and just simply listening to the different sounds the radio makes.... even my bloody fingers ! ..... i have fine lines on my fingers.... omfg LOL I end up wondering how i get things done on a day to day basis. I tend to notice really small things that some people don't notice themselves(or at leas the people that I've known). It's not because what I'm doing right now is boring.. is it? LOL no i do this alot regardless of what I do- I am sometimes able to shut it out. I don't know lol. 
I Do, I definately get distracted very  easily. I sort of wish I wouldn't be able to notice most things though.. ahah, what if i end up noticing or seeing something that'll make me sad or something that shouldn't see/hear you know? LOL  ... i notice too much, and on top of that I think too much, I over think any situation- i will always think worst case scenario's especially when it comes to relationships ! ahah oh man, let's not even go there.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Asian Film Review!: Gu Family Book

Gu Family Book

~구가의 서 ~

Is this a Korean Drama?: Yes

What Genre is this Drama?: Historical, Romance, a little 
comedy is in there too 

Is it New?: sort of, i'm only on the 5th episode- it is still airing
 but the series will almost end

Are There any famous characters?: Yes ! many ! Lee Seung Gi, 
Suzy and many more :D

How Many Episodes will be airing?: 24

Will it make you cry?: LOL yeah will so far it did 

Here are the main characters in the Series:

Lee Seung Gi As Choi Kang Chi
  • Founded on the river banks in the forest he was taken in as a newborn to be raised in a good family
  • You see Kang Chi get into alot of trouble as soon as his character is introduced- he is seen as the typical troublemaker or the odd one of his family
  • aside from him making trouble he is very warm and pure at the heart and producers also display this with his acts of kindness towards the neighbourhood 
  • He was often rejected and scolded especially by his mother 
  • the typical "ugly" duckling *Lee Seung Gi you are no ugly :)

Bae Suzy As Dam Weo Wool
  • Very courageous woman- she was one of most likely the very few people who was a female warrior.. most of them were all male
  • her destiny changes when she meets a man that she was warned to avoid at all costs 
  • Weo Wool comes off as mysterious- the producers and directors don't necessarily explain the story of her character in one go.. so throughout the Drama I think there will be more about Weo Wool that you will find out about

Sung Joon As Gon

  • The Handsome and glamorous Sung Joon plays the assistant for Weo Wool as "Gon" 
  • immediately we see that Gon has some feelings for Weo Wool- he doesn't say it directly but the directors capture some facial expressions whenever he or someone else mentions Weo Wool 
  • He and Weo Wool are long time friends 

Lee Yoo-Bi As Park Chung Jo

  • Lee Yoo-Bi plays the role of Park Chung Jo who is the daughter of a wealthy family who basically owns a hotel or Inn- 100 year Inn.
  • The Park family are also the people who have brought in Choi Kang Chi
  • She resembles the mother of Kang Chi: Pure, elegant, warm hearted, but also very brave and has courage in her
  • There is a secret relationship that happens between Choi Kang Chi and Chung Jo but this doesn't last for long >:3

I don't know exactly the specific era of this drama but taking into account of the different clothes and lifestyle that it's probably in the earlier era's LOL. It starts off with the mythical Gumiho- Fox Demon who is surprising very friendly and is seen taking on the form of a human. He comes across a young lady who is a human and at first sight in 1000 years has he fallen in love. At this time the Young Lady was sold to the government where she was taken into a Korean Brothel House-She was saved and rescued by the Fox demon not knowing that he was a mythical creature and both eventually fall in love with each other. <--At this point the Young lady was considered a fugitive and was wanted by the Government.

So blinded by love that they didn't care for anything else in the world and they lived their lives in the forest. 2-3months had passed and many soldiers were still on the lookout for the Young lady who had escaped from the brothel. The Fox demon had soon revealed his true form after fighting off the soldiers where he was also seen by his lover. She was not able to accept him for who he was, calling him a monster and reported him to the police. Their Love was pure infatuation and was unstable- this ended their relationship however, inside the Young lady was life. She gave birth to a very healthy half Demon-half human, growing up he will face many challenges meet many new people and faces and also create new land lasting relationships.

To be quite frank, I definitely did not expect a historical drama to be this good LOL. I never really liked historical drama's- their descriptions never were to my liking... maybe because the settings were in the the early era's but yeah. I feel like this drama really changed my perspective on them. Despite the emotional joyride right in the beginning of the show, there are many comedic reliefs especially when Seung Gi is introduced. I just really enjoy the drama overall 
the characters' roles were played very well...except for one character. The step mother of Seung Gi. I felt that her acting was very poor- her acting wasn't really too convincing for me personally. Other than that the characters were really well played out 

**This is a really good drama is your really unsure about watching 
Historical Korean Dramas***

Well that's it for my review guys ! Be sure to read the next review on: 

Sunday 9 June 2013

Father's Day Idea!: Red Velvet Cupcake Recipe !

Alright so just a few days ago it was my Dad's birthday- being economically unstable and jobless ;-; (it pains me LOL) I've conjured up a few ideas that I could do for my dad's birthday that isn't to costly nor would it look cheap ! LOL. I thought that I would do a little blog about this for all those Jobless Students out there on the TIGHTEST budget of life ! lol so here it goes ! 

~Red Velvet Cupcakes~

I thought that rather than bying something that some factory man/lady made I figured that making something of your own would have a more "special" factor- that it was made with love  lol 
I got this recipe online so you can check it out Here 

This Recipe yields approximately 12 cupcakes*
1 Cup Flour
3 1/2 Tablespoons unsweetened Cocoa Powder

1/2 Teaspoon Baking Soda

1/4 Teaspoon Salt

1/3 Tablespoon Butter, Softened

3/4 Teaspoon Sugar

2 Eggs

1/3 Tablespoon Sour Cream

3 Tablespoons Milk

1oz Red Food Colouring

3/4 Teaspoon Pure/Artificial Vanilla Extract


Vanilla Cream Cheese Frosting
8oz Package Cream Cheese, Softened

2 Tablespoon Butter, Softened

Teaspoon Sour Cream

3/4 Teaspoon Pure/Artificial Vanilla Extract

16oz Confectioners Sugar/ Icing Sugar
*you are able to manipulate the amount of cupcakes that you would like to make if you click on the link above or Here


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Mix flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt in medium bowl. Set aside.
  2. Beat butter and sugar in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed 5 minutes or until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs, one at a time. Mix in sour cream, milk, food color and vanilla. Gradually beat in flour mixture on low speed until just blended. Do not overbeat. Spoon batter into 30 paper-lined muffin cups, filling each cup 2/3 full.
  3. Bake 20 minutes or until toothpick inserted into cupcake comes out clean. Cool in pans on wire rack 5 minutes. Remove from pans; cool completely. Frost with Vanilla Cream Cheese Frosting.
  4. Vanilla Cream Cheese Frosting: Beat cream cheese, softened, butter, sour cream and McCormick® Pure Vanilla Extract in large bowl until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in confectioners' sugar until smooth.

The only issue that i had was the the cupcake wasn't red enough for me LOL it was like a pinkish mauve cupcake XD- a sad one indeed.. maybe is was the type of food colouring? i put almost the whole bottle ! :'( LOL but other than that the cupcake tasted really good

This recipe is really easy- i don't see any mistakes that you can possible make here :D 

Now your wondering: Self, why is this a fathers day idea? I don't see any essence of Fatherly love in here.. 

LOL Simple, put on your creative cap and THINK LOL

I Put mustaches on sticks and stuck them into the cupcakes to display a little masculinity in the Cupcake LOL 

You can also stick on "#1 Dad" Signs or Ties LOL pretty much anything that is associated with "Dad's"- or to make it even more thoughtful you can draw or make something that is special to your dad- like his favorite hobby or something ! LOL you know ! XD  

I hope this helps in giving inspiration for what your want to do for fathers day LOL- if you wanted to drift away from the typical "Bed in breakfast" and wanted to create something with edible humour ;)


Wednesday 5 June 2013

Growing Out Long Healthy Hair!

Growing out your hair can be a long pain staking process especially if you've gotten the genes of slow ass growing hair (you not alone) There are many ways in which you can aid your roots and promote its growth rate ! 

A Thing to Remember ! 

Lets all be realistic here, we are all different therefore our hair is different as well- depending on the variety each and every one of us has different rates of growing out hair. Some people maybe able to grow twice the amount of hair than someone who can only grow out half the avg length per month. So it takes time and lots of it. 

Well then now on to some basic Tips ! 

Basic Tips

Holy i think by far this is the most hardest task out of all the other tips and words of advice to follow- i think i can represent the majority of women who suffer from slow growing hair that this is definitely the worst. Patience however is worth the wait. Try and do things that may distract you from having that itch to snip- set a goal for you self, or try and do different hair styles that will help yourself to not cut your hair ! 

Remove those Split Ends!

Just like your skin, your hair is like a reflection of your overall health of your body- if your hair is not given the proper care then it shows off in your appearance as a whole. Snip off those ends, don't try and convince yourself that it's not a big deal. It is ! Keeping those split ends while having the goal to grow out your hair will go in vain! By keeping those split ends, the conditions will only get worse and the split ends will elevate and go up higher in the shaft ... so in a way its sort of counter acting the grow of your hair So snip it ! If you don't want to change the length of your hair but still want to remove those ends ask the salonist for a Dusting to remove some of the ends but still maintain the length of the hair 

Usually people would say that you have to go every 6-8 weeks for a trim. But at the end of the day it depends on the rate at which your hair grows. there's no point in cutting it every 6 weeks if you hair doesn't even grow at the regular rate. "Only if you see signs of split ends, then trim" but if not then you can save money and skip the regular visits to the salon

Protect your Hair!

Your hair is very delicate and the environment can be very harsh on your hairs so ! Against the wind you would always want to keep it tied and not flying anywhere, this prevents it from drying up, and from breakage. Against the Heat, try and wear hats from time to time, or a protective spray so that your hair is not prone to dryness or breakage. Always try and use Cool or luke warm water when Taking a Shower- again prevents futurAe breakage, and fallouts.
When using Hot Iron Tools (which is not recommended) ALWAYS use a heat protectant you will thank it. 

What You Can Do To Promote Hair Growth!~

DIY Hot Oil Treatments
for me personally, I don't go out buying the Oil for the drug store or wherever.. i have oil at home? I can just do it myself. (please common sense.. if your doing a DIY .. no canola oil LOL)
Virgin Coconut Oil~ 
1. Simply heat up coconut oil, not to the point where it is boiling but warm enough to have a sort of liquidy consistency. 
Depending on the length of hair, how much coconut oil will vary.
*always concentrate on the ends first and then work you way up*
Coconut oil is a great way for deep conditioning the ends of severely damaged hair- allowing for restoration and smooth hair. It is always best to deep condition your hair once every week.

You can always opt for Hair Masks or even Olive Oil and mixing that with a little honey- heating it up a little and allowing that to sit for about 15-30min. This will also give similar results

If you do no regularly take any supplements or vitamins- then you should! Once you realize that these vitamins promotes healthy growing hair then you will definately take these. Vitamins are taken in substitution for the nutrients that you do not often take throughout the day but are vital to your body and overall health
Your hair is again "a reflection of your overall health" ! 

Some supplements that you can take include:

Omega 3 Fish Oils

Silica Gels

Daily Multivitamins (Ex. Centrum)

**Always talk with a dietitian, doctor or consultant if the supplements or vitamins are right for you**

That is pretty much it !
I hope you enjoyed these tips !
Happy Growing, Cheers !


Tuesday 4 June 2013

Film Review Tuesday: Last Cinderella/ ラストシンデレラ

Ahh Yes, the long awaited film "Last Cinderella"

~~ ラストシンデレラ~~

Is This A Korean Drama?: No it is a Japanese Drama

Is It A New Drama?: Yes it is fairly new 

How Many Episodes Have Been Released?: 8

How Many Episodes will be Releasing?: Not Quite sure, but the direction that this Drama is going now, it may end sooner than later.
Any Famous Actors/Actresses?: Yes Plenty, if you watch drama's regularly then you'll at least know one of them ! 

The Genre of  the Series?: Definately a Comedy ! Romance in there as well.-- "Romantic Comedy"

Is this a drama that will make you cry?: Aha ! yeah Cry tears of laughter ! 

Here are the Major Cast Members of the Drama

Ryoko Shinohara As Sakura Toyama

  • Throughout the series Sakura (39 years old) is seen as very lively, entergetic and enthousiastic about her job
  • she is compassionate and warm welcoming with her customers always making sure they each clients comes out looking their best 
  • Sakura is the leading vice president of her Hair Salon- "Happy Go Lucky"
  • she on the other hand doesn't necessarily bother to dress up or to look "pretty" 

Haruma Miura As Hiroto Saeki

  • The young (24years old) Saeki at first would come off as the hugest player in the world-the way he moves is seductive, just even him walking *-* ! you will definately see this in the first episode
  • He participates in BMX competitions- early on in his career he had an injury which had prevented him from playing for a while
  • Saeki also workds a part time job to keep up with bills and payments

Naohito Fujiki As Rintaro Tachibana

  • Tachibana is see i believe in the first episode as well- where he takes on the role as the president of the Hair Salon, working alongside Sakura
  • He is a very young refreshing character, similar to Sakura, he is also very lively and often times argues with Sakura about the smallest of things
  • He is a very mysterious guy I guess you could say.. They don't necessarily tell much about him other than the fact that he is the total opposite of Sakura 

Naoko Iijima As Shima Hasegawa

  • Hasegawa-san is one of the two best friends of Sakura
  • She was recently divorced and is now living the free single life working as a Yoga/Fitness instructor
  • She is often seen flirting around with many men which back fires against her during the series

Nene Otsuka As Miki Takeuchi

  • Miki is also a best friend of Sakura that is seen throughout the series 
  • She is a wife and a mother of two children
  • throughout the series she becomes a insecure as she feels that she is nothing but a "housewife" 
  • She tries to solve things in her own manner but things get a little out of hand.

The Pilot episode immediately kicks off by exposing Sakura in her Natural Habitat, messy unclean apartment along with her untamed wild funny personality. She is the Vice President of the Happy Go Lucky Hair Salon. Her life as a very compassionate loving salonist has been interrupted by the Handsome Tachibana Rintaro where he becomes the leading president after discussions by the "upper men" 
*On a side note: Sakura 39years old who has been single for quite a while so throughout the series she seeks for sweet sweet lovin'*
^ now ! with that being said, her friends suggest her to go to a  Gokon (Group dating)- at this point this is where she meets the young Hiroto Saeki. At this point their relationship sets on in a direction that will lead you an endless road of laughter and nonsense.


It's been a while since I've watch Japanese drama's but I have to say, in terms of Naohito Fujiki and the other well known actors, i would think that this drama series is one of the best on their list of roles they've played. This is the kind of drama that just makes you jealous of your own life ! LOL 
Throughout the shows you will always ask yourself, "How come my life isn't like this?" or "Why can't I meet people like him/her?"  It gives you a reality check like "gurrrll, you ain't got this, you aint got time fo dis !" LOL something like that 
Over all i think it's very funny very romantic and i look forward to the rest of the episodes! <3

Heres the trailer for any of your curious minds~

Well that's it  for my review ! 

Cheers !

Stay tuned for the next review of:

Sunday 2 June 2013

Asian Film Review!!: Monstar



Is this a Korean Drama?: Yes

What type of Kdrama is this?: Slice of Life, School, Teen

Is it currently airing?: Yes

Is this a drama that will cry your eyes out?: I have not reached that point yet. But this a potential teary Drama series ! 

Any Famous or Well known characters?: Base on other shows that i have seen, I think that most of the characters a fresh faces (There are a couple However)

Major Characters
Han Yeon Soo As Min Se Yi  
Kang Ha Neul As Jung Sun Woo
Yong Joon Hyung As Yoon Seol Chan
Da Hee As Kim Na Na

This drama starts off with the melodic voice of Min Se Yi (Han Yeon Soo) transitioning into the concert band "Man in Black" where we immediately see Yoon Seol Chan (Yong Joon Hyung) as they are both singing and playing the same song. At this point Se Yi, goes off to her new school where she is given the most unexpected welcoming. 
Se Yi is a transfer student from New Zealand, on her way to class- she bumps into Seol Chan and an actress. Basically they get into a huge misunderstanding where Se Yi has her phone taken away from her.  (At this point the relationship between Se Yi and Seol Chan begins >:D) 
Seol Chan is like a magnet for making trouble- he accidentally slaps a girl in the face after being forced to kiss the student. Especially living in the generation of internet and digital technology- nasty rumours and comments regarding this incident spread like wild fire!
According to his manager, the only way to subdue these rumours about him and to not ruin his career is for Seol Chan to regularly attend school- in this way it will show his commitment and his sincerity towards the girl student and towards everyone in the Highschool.

Also meeting for the first time is her class president- Jung Sun Woo (Kang Ha Neul)
The story goes from there at this point- personal and relationship conflicts and that whole package that comes with Highschool lol.

Min Se Yi
I think I really like her character the best. She is so calm and collective, very sweet and not to mention very cute aha! She is like your typical girl next door kind of person. You can tell in the first episode that at first she is a little shy and timid, but is not afraid to talk. 
This is the first time I've seen Yeon Soo act and i feel that she does a very good job at executing her role.

The beginning of the series presented a warm and calm ambiance for viewers. Where this soon transitions in to very energetic upbeat and active by Joon Hyung. I personally think that this drama didn't have much to offer- it didnt necessarily have anything unique other than the young famous KPOP stars. This drama really reminded me of alot of other Highschool based shows (Dream High, To the Beautiful You, High Jump etc)

Each of the characters you will see will face many great hardships, that are often ignored in actualy educational institutions. I guess in a way this drama is very different- it displays the many challenges the students go through (not to mention all the stress). It's very uplifting to the spirits while at the same time adds inthere a little cute love story. 
Don't get me wrong the drama series is mainly based on the relationship between two students but, the side stories would be the the other characters issues and concerns. 

As for the relationship between Se Yi and Seol Chan - i would think that its pretty cute. This situation is done so many times but it never gets old for me LOL. the sweet innocent, but very firm Se Yi and the cold hearted, cocky Seol Chan ahaha oh man.

Here's the Trailer for you guys ! ;D

If you like Hana Kimi, Dream High, Mischievous Kiss (Korean) and you can never get bored of Highschool love stories and  you love KPOP stars ! LOL then THIS IS THE DRAMA SERIES FOR YOU!

Thats it for my review ! stay tuned for:

Cheers !
