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Tuesday 2 February 2016

Film Review: Wolf Children, おおかみこどもの雨と雪

Mamoru Hosada's 
Wolf Children|| おおかみこどもの雨と雪

Hey y’all,
So I’m back for another review- Wolf Children|| おおかみこどもの雨と雪
I was mainly pulled in from the animation of the film (for me personally, it reminded a lot, of Studio Ghilbli films)- in addition the synopsis was what caught my attention as well.

What is the movie about?
I just finished watching this. (The link is in my last post). Watch this movie. That’s all I can say.
So this is another one of those fantasical films about the struggles of the woman marrying into a “wolf family” and as well as having two kids of her own in the busy metropolis of Tokyo, Japan. 

The film was told in the perspective of the daughter and it begins with the mother (Hana) studying at a University in Tokyo. She meets this mysterious man, whom apparently isn’t actually a student. They eventually become fond of each other and Hana soon discovers that he  is a werewolf. However despite his charasteristics- they fall in love and have two wonderful little werewolf children, Ame and Yuki.

Of course having two children can be a handful especially while studying and working- but two children with werewolf features brings on a whole plethora of challenges.
The film really emphasizes on the family values that are expressed and as well as the cultural features that are evident in Japanese traditions; which is the whole idea of connectedness and communal efforts within a given community to maintain sustainability and to thrive. This was one of the reasons why I really enjoyed the film- sometimes in life, you may come across challenges that you find overwhelming and sometimes the only viable option that you think you might have is to simply escape. Escape from the noise and from the troubles in attempts to gain some clarity. But perhaps, a helping hand or support from others might be exactly what you need in order to get back on your feet again.
I love this film- it is heartwarming and it teaches you alot :’). Just watch the film and you’ll be mopping up your tears XD


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