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Friday 2 August 2013

Drama Review: Who Are You?/ 후 아 유

Alright, so for today's review we're going to be talking about the newly anticipated Kdrama "Who Are You?"/후 아 유

Is this a Korean Drama?: Yes

How many episodes have and will be released?: This is a new drama so there 
are only 2 episodes that are up so far but for how many episodes 
that will be released?.. not quite sure lol.

Any recognizable actors/actresses?: Yes, many- there isn't one character 
that you don't know in this drama

Genre?: I can't necessarily say for now only because 2 episodes 
have aired however based on what I have seen so far- most likely 
mystery a little suspense and perhaps some romance? ;)

Here are the Main Character's of the story:

So Yi Hyun as Yang Shi On

  • So Yi Hyun plays a detective who was solving a case with her partner when she was badly injured leaving her in a coma only to wake up 6 years later 
  • Flustered and confused she begins to see ghosts that others obviously can't see (most likely cause by the coma she was in? lol )
  • a former detective in the Special Task Force however voluntarily moved to the department of the Lost and Found Centre

TaecYeon as Cha Gun Woo

  • Cha Gun Woo plays the partner of Yang Shi On and also works in the same department with her
  • because of Yan Shi On's determination in justifying the ghost's she sees- Gun Woo is forced to go on the same missions with her despite the fact that they aren't even authorized to begin with
  • Taecyeon play's a very comedic character which relieves some of the suspense throughout the drama

Kim Chang Wan as Choi Moon Sik

  • The lead detective in his department
  • Choi Moon Sik is also someone whom Gun Woo highly respects 
  • like Gun woo- Moon Sik, whenever on scene also displays comedic relief and at the same time portraying a figure of wisdom and always gives out good advice to both Shi On and Gun Woo whenever out on missions

Kim Jae Wook as Lee Hyung Joon

  • ahh the oh so glamorous Kim Jae Wook <3 lol plays the lover of Shin On and also her former partner 
  • they don't say much (in the first two eps) about him other than the fact that he was shot and killed

Alright, well assuming that you've already read about the major characters you probably would know that the main character is Yang Shin On. The story begins with Shin On and her partner, Lee Hyung Joon on a mission and were about to bust some gang smuggling? (lol ). Unfortunately during the mission, Lee Hyung Joon was shot and Yang Shin On had taken damage to the head being left in a coma for 6 yrs.

This somehow causes Shin On to loose her memory ONLY on the day of the accident and at the same time she is mysteriously is able to see and hear ghosts. Now from what I've watched, these ghosts come to her for help to justify what happened to them in the past and to basically put them to rest. And she does this with the help of her new partner Gun Woo. 

She helps the ghosts to be put to rest while simultaneously trying to remember what had happened on the day of the accident and who had shot Hyung Joon.
Considering this be the first drama to actually write a review for right after I've just finished watching the latest episode.. this is a pretty good drama. AND ! on top of that. Taecyeon <3 LOL how can you NOT want to watch this?! LOL Taecyeon and Kim Jae Wook! lol 

some of this sort of doesn't make sense though lol, like how she was able to see ghosts? and how Shin On was able to being under a coma for 6yrs only because a man hit her with a gun on her head ... lol maybe i'm just being arrogant 

Other than that i've pleased to see a movie out that is filled with suspense, comedic relief and some romance here and there lol (of course! it's not a Korean drama without romance !! xDD )

That's it for today~ :)


Thursday 1 August 2013

Drama Review Coming Soon!: Who Are You?/ 후 아 유


I am so eager to talk about this new drama my friend referred me to- unfortunately there are only 2 episodes that have been aired so once there's more then i'll start doing the review...actually to be honest i have already started working on it xDD LOL I've only realized it now that it wont be so valid of a review if i've only watched hte first 2 episodes lol so i'll give it more time. 

But yeah ! This drama I think you guys will really fancy ;)
Here's the trailer for y'all. enjoy :D
